Welcome to Scabies Home Remedies.
If you are here, you are probably suffering from a horrible, evil, wicked little monster known as scabies.
When I first got scabies, I didn’t think it was a big deal. The doctor gave me some medicine and I thought it would be history in a few days, like a sore throat or a stuffy nose.
I was so wrong.
For the next few weeks life was absolute hell. My skin looked like I was having chickenpox all over again. I scratched more than I have in my entire life. I stayed up all night reading scabies tips on Topix, wondering if I would ever be healed. “Am I going to have scabies forever?” Yes, I actually wondered that, several times.
But luckily my obsessive personality lead me to read absolutely everything I could about this little bug. I read all the studies, tried all the treatments, and within a couple of weeks the scabies were dead. After a month, my life was back to normal. It was the longest month of my life, but I got there.
I built this site to help people deal with their own scabies nightmare. There is a lot of misinformation out there, so I did my best to create a site that was based on real studies and real science, so people could go straight to the scabies treatments that actually work and kick their scabies infestation quickly and safely.
I don’t want anyone to have to suffer through this any more than they need to. Scabies is horrible, and it can take over your entire life. The good news is, there are treatments that work. They are affordable and effective, and if you use them properly, you will be healed.
If you’re suffering from scabies right now, first let me say, I’m so sorry you need to experience this. On this blog I’ve written up everything I’ve researched about scabies, but the only article you really need to read is this one. It is the exact collection of treatments I used to kick my scabies infestation, and instructions on how to use them, and I really believe it will work for you too. Please know I’m not selling any shady treatments here. Other than the recommended prescription treatments, all the items needed you can get pretty easily and affordably from your local health store, Amazon or your supermarket. I’m just here to provide information, and help you get through scabies in any way I can.
Wishing you all the best, and if you have any questions, just leave a comment. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
Other articles you may want to read:
- How To Use Permethrin Cream Properly – If you’re about to apply permethrin cream as part of your treatment, please read this! Many people do not apply the cream properly which is why it does not work for them.
- How To Get Ivermectin For Human Use – If you can’t get ivermectin where you live, there is a way to get it over-the-counter. This article talks about how.
- How To Stop Scabies Itching At Night – If you’re struggling to sleep through the night, these tips might help you get much needed rest.
- The Best Natural Remedies For Scabies – If you ONLY want to use natural remedies to cure your scabies, these are the ones you want to try. While I do recommend combining them with prescription treatments, they have been proven to work on their own.
You might also want to check out my Youtube channel!
I have various video tutorials on the various treatments I’ve outlined above. Check it out here: