One part of my recommended scabies treatment plan is oral use of the drug ivermectin.
This can be tricky though, as while the FDA has approved ivermectin for humans, it’s not approved specifically for scabies treatment.
There are many stories online of doctors refusing to prescribe ivermectin for humans, however as you’ll see, ivermectin has a strong safety profile and is used for scabies in many other countries.
In this article I’ll be talking about what ivermectin is, where to get ivermectin for humans, and how to use it safely.
What is ivermectin?
Ivermectin is a drug that was patented by Merck, first approved for human use in 1987.
William Campbell and Satoshi Omura both won the 2015 Nobel Peace prize in Medicine for its discovery.
It is on the WHO’s list of Essential Medicines for both adults and children, and is approved by the US FDA as an antiparasitic agent for things such as worms. However, for some reason the FDA has not approved it for scabies use, despite it being used in much of the developed world as a scabies treatment.

The reason ivermectin won the Nobel Prize is due to the enormous effect it had on the world’s poor.
Today 250 million people (adults and children) take it annually to combat two of the world’s most debilitating parasitic diseases: Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic filariasis.
A single dosage can prevent a child from contracting river blindness from fresh water parasites.
It is now used for this purpose across many countries in Africa, many the doses of which are donated.
Nature magazine called it one of the world’s very few genuine “wonder drugs”, due to the huge range of diseases it can combat and the suffering it has relieved.
Remarkably, even after mass distributions across some of the world’s poorest countries, along with prescription use in the world’s richest, ivermectin maintains one of the best safety profiles of any major drug today, with almost no long term side effects recorded across billions of doses.
Its impressive safety profile is why it is continued to be mass administered in both children and adults across the world.
Where can I get ivermectin?
Ivermectin for humans is easier to come by in countries like Australia, New Zealand and most parts of Europe, as ivermectin has been approved over there for scabies treatment.
To get it, simply ask your doctor.
Ivermectin for humans is harder to come by in the US.
It is FDA approved and produced by Merck, however it’s not approved for scabies specifically.
You have two options here:
Order ivermectin from overseas
The drug you are looking for is called Stromectol.
This is the ivermectin treatment designed for scabies and ideally what you should be taking.
You will need a prescription in the US, and many doctors will be reluctant to prescribe it for scabies.
Most Canadian online pharmacies require a prescription too, but you can try your luck there.
I do not want to link to an online pharmacy here because I have never used one.
However, this is the product you are looking for.
Again, I have never ordered Stromectol online and if you do, it is entirely at your own risk.
If you do end up ordering, I would really appreciate if you reported back in the comments section below so others can see what your experience was like.
Again, I highly recommend pressing your doctor to prescribe it for you so you can trust the source.
Be pushy. Don’t take no for an answer.
The ivermectin I used for my treatment was doctor-prescribed.
Use animal-purpose ivermectin

Animal-purpose ivermectin to treat scabies in humans is actually more popular than you might think, and is a possible alternative if you can’t get your hands on ivermectin for humans.
Reminder – it is not made for humans, it is made as a paste for horses.
This is why you might often hear animal ivermectin referred to as “horse paste”.
But many people have used it as scabies treatment when their doctors refuse to prescribe oral ivermectin.
If you look at the Amazon reviews for this ivermectin, it seems to be bought almost exclusively by people treating scabies rather than for using on horses.
Almost all seem to have positive results.
You will even find medical professionals there saying they’ve used it as they cannot get Stromectol (or they can but it’s insanely expensive because not covered by insurance).
The dosing is exactly the same for horses as it is for humans, and the drug is the same.
You just need to ensure that the drug you are buying is purely ivermectin and doesn’t have any other worming drugs in it.
Again I have never done this and I recommend trying your best to get Stromectol from your doctor instead.
If you do happen to use animal ivermectin, you do so at your own risk. I am not your doctor. Consult your doctor. Please do not use this blog post as medical advice.
However, if it means anything, I am 99% certain I would use this if my doctor refused to prescribe Stromectol. The risk feels reasonably small for getting rid of something as horrible as scabies!
Another testimonial is here from a lady who has had scabies multiple times from working in homeless shelters and has used animal ivermectin successfully several times to treat scabies.
The last bit of advice I can give is, definitely make sure you get your ivermectin from a reliable source.
I’d recommend getting it from a specialist pest control store like
My second choice would be Amazon.
Just make sure it’s from a reliable seller.
You can also find ivermectin at most livestock or ranching stores.
Invermectin dosage chart for humans
Probably the most important thing to understand when taking ivermectin for humans is the dosage.
You must get this right.
Currently the dosage for humans for scabies is 200mcg per kg.
This is the official human ivermectin dosage chart from
15 to 24 kg: 3 mg orally one time
25 to 35 kg: 6 mg orally one time
36 to 50 kg: 9 mg orally one time
51 to 65 kg: 12 mg orally one time
66 to 79 kg: 15 mg orally one time
80 kg or more: 0.2 mg/kg orally one time
Stromectol comes in 3mg which is what the chart references.
So if you weigh 60 kilograms, you would take four pills.
Dosing ivermectin paste for humans
For the horse ivermectin, it is divided up into dosages per 250lbs of body weight.
Therefore if you weigh 125lbs, you should take half a dose.
If you weigh 200lbs, you should take 4/5 parts of a dose.
This will become clearer when you see the packaging.
Can you overdose?
Using ivermectin for scabies is the same dosage as treating for other conditions, whether you’re using the human tablets or the animal paste form.
The standard scabies treatment is to take one dose, then a second dose 7 days later.
You should not overdose if you take this standard dosage based on your body weight.
You can be assured by this paper written by the discoverer of ivermectin himself, Satoshi Omura.
“Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use. Indeed, it is such a safe drug, with minimal side effects, that it can be administered by non-medical staff and even illiterate individuals in remote rural communities, provided that they have had some very basic, appropriate training. This fact has helped contribute to the unsurpassed beneficial impact that the drug has had on human health and welfare around the globe”
History shows us that ivermectin is a very safe drug, and is approved for scabies treatment in many countries.
Remember, ivermectin is only one part of a successful scabies treatment. I have a full guide on the best way to get rid of scabies, which details all the treatments that I used during my own fight with scabies. If you’re dealing with scabies right now, I’d highly recommend checking it out. You can click here to go there now.
Use of the ivermectin horse paste wormer. make sure there are not any other medicines in there like praziquantel or any other active ingredients. follow the dosing guidelines for horses by weight (the dosing for humans is the same as the dosing for cattle!) – ususally you can only measure it off by 250lbs sections, but you can split it by using a childrens oral syringe- which you can buy at walgreens or any drug store for measuring liquid medicine for infants and toddlers. syringes from farm and fleet and other feed stores etc are bigger and hold usually 3 or more ml. First measure out 250lbs worth of paste wormer using the notches on the tube it is packaged in. then suck that amount you just squeezed out of the tube up into the oral syringe, then squeeze out of the oral syringe in fractions by using the marks on the side of the oral syringe. one half of the total dose for 250lbs is for 125lbs, one quarter is for 60lbs., three quarters is for 185lbs, try to break it down using the marks on the side of the oral syringe to get it as close to your weight as possible. You want to take it once and then again 7 days later in sequence with your topical Permethrin treatments. Don‘t take it if you have liver disease. take it on an empty stomach and take it mixed into at least 8 oz of water. when you do put something in your stomach a few hours after taking it try eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice- it helps the ivermectin work better.
Hi Jo,
Some people who have used it and reviewed on Amazon… used each day for 5-7 days… Do you have any experience/knowledge on that?
Hi Anna, I just (thankfully!) found this site, as the Ivermectin my Dr. prescribed is now a WHOPPING $252 for a seven day treatment. So, to answer your question, yes, my Dr. prescribes a seven day treatment course. I see that your post is from 2017, but I am going to share this information anyway for what it’s worth.
On the Durvet I bought, each notch represents 50lbs. For my 163 lbs, I marked off and used 4, or 200 lbs. the dose is tiny, about one and a half cm long. I put it in a spoon, scooped in peach yogurt, it was delicious. Although it is labeled apple flavored, it is actually only apple scented, terribly flavored. Mixing it in water seems to me to be overkill. The 200lb dose is smaller than a jellybean, easily swallowed with a spoon of yogurt or and food of choice. One dose I put in a spoonful of Beanie Weenies, lol.
Your website is amazing and incredibly easy to follow in the fight against scabies. We are in our 3rd week and are deciding to use ivermectin on top of our current permethrin and teatree and coconut oil. What side effects did you get from ivermectin? My boys are 7 and 9 is ivermectin safe for them? My concern is the toxic nature and side effects of ivermectin over the dosage period.
I really can’t advise you on that sorry. Best to consult a doctor. As for the natural treatments, you should spot treat first just to make sure they don’t have any allergic reaction, but should be safe.
Jon, the dosing chart about the lady that worked for homeless people had a conversion chart on and your link will not get us there. Can you help us get the dosing chart she used. It is perfect for pounds
Dear Jon,
I was mortified to get a diagnosis of scabies from a dermatologist 2 weeks ago. (The dermatologist I used was very degrading, would not come closer that 5 feet from me and when I said I had questions she said I should google and she would have her nurse give me a hand out. I left in tears.) Unfortunately I let it go far too long thinking it was a skin rash from another source and thought it would go away, so it was widespread on my entire arm and down my torso.. I have used 3 permethrin treatments now and I still feel the crawlies, have new itch spots and that deep burning itch. Is this normal if they are dead? I read about Ivermectin, however it says it should not be used on someone who takes statins, (which I do). Do you know anything about this? Truthfully I want to take the Ivermectin just to add an extra kick to this awful feeling I have that they are not gone. I am supposed to go back to the dermatologist for a recheck next week, so I will ask her for it but I fear she will not give it to me. Will I ever feel clean and human again? I am so upset, and feel hopeless at ever tackling this. Please let me know if the bumps and itching I am feeling along with the crawlies is just residual symptoms. Thanks so much for all of your time and good, hard work. ~ Donna
Have you been using the Permethrin properly? Please read this guide:
If not, you need to do it again.
Also, you don’t NEED ivermectin, but it is helpful. Please follow the full treatment plan in my guide here:
Let us know how you go.
Your story made me so sad. God Bless you and I have added you to my prayer list in hopes you find relief or already have. What a horrible experience with your Dr. I feeel like the medical community has become useless most times,, but their Billing dept. is a well oiled machine. I hope you are well, and as I said , I am praying for you , and everyone else here.
So far my experience has been traumatic in dealing with the doctors and social stigma of this. Because I have a history of drug use. I was dismissed by three different doctors, one of which stood across the room and diagnosed it as self-inflicted and I was sent away shameful in notified not to mention helpless. I managed to convince a PA at a clinic to prescribe permethrin. But after reading your article, I realize I didn’t apply it correctly. I appreciate the self-help guide, as I have spent so much money on each of those products, but was not given any recipe to combine them. I even have them on my face and it kept me from going to work, and now my financial situation is desperate, and my problem is still not solved and I would be lying. If I said, I don’t daily entertain the thought of the struggle once and for all
Hi Jon, Yes, I do believe I have been using the permethrin properly. Chin to sole, every inch. The first 2 times I put it on in the AM and left it on for a full 14 hours then showered. The third time I put it on before bed and left it on for a full 11 hours. I have also been fastidious about cleaning clothing, bedding and my home. I am so creeped out about this. Is it possible that even after 3 permethrin treatments, there are still eggs remaining? I see new bumps and still itch. I am so thoroughly depressed and discouraged.
Donna Powers. I’m going through EXACTLY what you are! Please contact me ✌️💕
Did you ever get over this??
any updates on thus exact questions please ANYONE!!!
My husband has dealing with crusted scabies on his hands only but of course we all have regular scabies in our household. My daughter has them on her face only. We have used l the above in your treatment but we haven’t been persistent with the in between natural treatments. We are now going at it full force and I was wondering about the pharmacy you used to get the permethrin cream. They sell ivermectin pills, have you heard of anyone using them? Thanks in advance! Great work btw! Much appreciated!
I had a prescription for permethrin so you can just get it any pharmacy if so. If not try making it yourself, guide here:
As for Ivermectin yes it’s very good and I’d recommend it, make sure you get the right dosage though:
How long after taking Ivermectin before they are dead?
Not sure, but you should repeat after 7 days.
Fortunately, I’ve never contracted the scabies mite, however, i managed to find out what it’s like…
After rescuing a mangy hound dog, I cleaned the areas where he’d stayed with a strong chlorine-based disinfectant. I didn’t wear gloves and some of the cleaner got under my watch band. The disinfectant gave me a nasty chemical burn. I treated it appropriately, but was left with a rash which would NOT go away. After seeing my GP and also a herbalist locally and still suffering with the intense itching rash, I went to a high-priced dermatologist in another city. He kept his distance! He said it sure looked like scabies, but if it was over a year old it couldn’t possibly be scabies because it hadn’t spread. He never did touch me or take a scraping. If he had he would have diagnosed it correctly and instantly, but he didn’t. Instead, he prescribed a strong topical steroid which didn’t do much for the symptoms and did nothing for the rash. It did give me some weird side-effects, but that is a whole ‘nother story.
Long-story short, at about two years on I went to a doctor who specialized in treating poor people. I went to him for another problem, but he noticed the rash and immediately asked how long I’d had it – because it looked like scabies. It was still no larger than a 50-cent piece and still itched like crazy.
When I told him the full story, he told me I had mange mites. Mange mites look and act just like scabies mites, but they normally don’t infest humans because they cannot reproduce in us. I had become infested because of the damaged skin and they were still alive but could not reproduce or spread. I can sympathize with a scabies sufferer, because I know of the itching-burning from the mites, but I didn’t experience the rapid spreading.
This GP gave me a prescription for a scabies lotion which he said would kill them right away.
I priced the lotion and since I now knew what my problem was, I decided to try a universal insecticide. I sprayed the rash with WD-40 and rubbed it in. PROBLEM SOLVED – ITCHING AND BURNING RELIEVED. The rash healed completely in a few weeks.
Is WD-40 really an insecticide? If so, how often do you spray it on?
I got a jar of vaseline and mixed it with the same amount of sulfur. I applied 7days, washed my sheets and sprayed House and Garden on my furniture. It went away.
What did you spray your house with? Where did you buy sulfer?
I do not know what sulfur you used. Would you send me the link?
You can buy sulfur at some drugstores
How young a child can take Ivermectin? 2 yr old? 4 yr old?
My friend is having a horrible time with 4 kids under 6,and one 9yr old . She is going to do the whole protocol but wonders if she has to get the horse Ivermectin if it’s safe for them.
I really can’t say sorry. You’ll need to ask a doctor.
My kids are 4 and 7 and they have taken it. It still didn’t work for us tho, tho we are going to try again.
It’s 3mg per 33lbs pill wise, and the horse paste would be by the markings…as accurate as you can get. But from what I hear, it’s very forgiving.
Where did you buy your sulfer? What did you spray your house with?
Garlic = Sulfer. Fresh clove of garlic at your nearest food store. Wear gloves, as crushed garlic has a strong smell, – or -, you can buy odorless garlic pills. [May2021]
odourless garlic pills are useless. The stink comes from the active ingredient.
I bought Pierce’s All purpose Nu-Stock. For use on animals, non-toxic and safe for all animals (even cats). It is 73% sulfur, 2% pine oil and 25% mineral oil. No steroids, stops itching. Used and tested for over 45 years. …….. on a personal note….. it smells to high heaven that does not wash out but it is definitely worth it. $13-$18 for 12 oz.
Can someone help with dosage. Of the liquid interjection I weigh 130 I can measure with no syringe
I got scabies from a 12 dollar haircut and the girl didn’t clean her brush. I have a lot of hair. This is presenting a challenge for me.
I am on my third round of permethrin cream. I put it in my scalp overnight too. I realized after the first treatment that I actually wasn’t doing it properly, so I’m looking at this as my second treatment.
I took ivermectin pills , 5 pills 3mg each on day 1,2,8,9, and 15. I noticed that it was going away, but not entirely. The ivermectin gave it a good punch, but did not take it away. I’m wondering if they are resistant.
Twelve days after ivermectin the areas that were healing, started breaking out again.
I treated with permethrin last week and permethrin yesterday. I see a lot of healing, but still not confident that it will go away in my scalp.
Jon, do you have any recommendations for treating it in my scalp? I’m afraid I’m going to have to end up shaving my head before this is over.
Thank you
Sometimes symptoms persist even after they are gone. Also it is rare for them to be in the scalp. Are you sure it is not hair lice?
Yes. I’m sure it’s not lice. At least that’s what the first Dr I went to said. But she also diagnosed me wrong.
I had my daughter check my hair for the little nits again last week and nothing.
I have small scabs, bites around the neckline, and several up higher. That’s where it originated. Then it soread to the rest of the body via shoulders and on down.
If it’s not scabies, then the only other explanation would be that I somehow got lice and scabies at the same time. I guess it’s not impossible.
But would I have sores and bites in my head? And no visible nits?
Maybe I’ll treat my head for lice today.
I’ve now begun taking salt/ bleach baths, and using neem oil , clove oil, tea tree oil, and clove oil.
Any help would be much appreciated. I don’t want to shave my head, but I will if it’s not gone in two weeks. It’s been 3 mo of hell
Thank you
Sure sounds like head lice. They can be very hard to see when the infestation is low. Get yourself “the teminator nit comb” thats a good one and some suave smooth conditioner. Load this on all your scalp then get knots out of your hair with a plastic comb. Use the nitcomb make sure the end of the tines are touching the scalp as you comb over the scalp. Wipe off the comb ona paper towel and spread out the conditioner. If you see little dark flecks in there thats probably lice eggs, grey things will be the lice. Use a agnifying glass to help you see em better. Then you will know for sure.
It’s absolutely become normal to get them in your scalp. I’ve been dealing with it for over a year now and had confirmed biopsy 6 months ago after many mis diagnosis. My once long hair is now a buzz it’s horrible
What about the liquid ivermectin that says for cattle only? Is there a difference between human and animal grade? Mix with a little moisturizer and you have generic Soolantra (for rosacea).
Any animal-purpose ivermectin is really up to you personally if you want to use it. It’s not intended for humans so there is always some risk. I can’t make the decision for you, but reviews are generally a good guideline.
I believe I’ve gotten scabies & lice…I’m in a hotel… homeless…no heat…room is freezing…it’s in Minnesota…they burrowed under my skin…I went to my primary (3x)…I now have a new primary who is calling this hotel in 12 hours to have management take care of the room… I’ve taken pics… coming out of the plug in sockets… they got into my I phone… I’ve done the permethrin cream& they don’t like the Sarna lotion… my resources are very limited… no car, no money & no support from any of the professionals… at the end of this I have pictures, names &i believe accountability needs to happen… this bldg needs to be condemned… I’m getting ready to shower off my permethrin…I’m going to mix some turmeric with Sarna(it’s all I have)…I became the food source…I know all about hell…how do I kill them out of my phone??
Scabies are microscopic, so if you can see them with the naked eye, it’s not scabies it’s something else.
The scabies are tiny black dots and can be barely seen by naked eye. Easier to be seen after using coconut coil and neem oil on ski.
I got 3 tubes of horse Ivermectin (7$ea) from Amazon as a defense against covid. Being an elder who has smoked all my life and has chronic bronchitis means the prognosis will be pretty grim when I get it, plus I live in close proximity to people don’t wear masks. Three neighbors have had it already.
The point being I won’t even go to the hospital, I’d rather die at home. But I’ve decided I’ll give this stuff a shot, I’m not scared of dying, because I’ve been there already, but I’m in no hurry and certainly not in some hospital torture chamber.
The question I have is if this horse and scabies paste can be used as a prophylactic, or only when infected. Maybe a half dose once a week?
I’d heard of that before, but haven’t found any mention of it, this has been the most informative and trusted site I’ve found, and thank you very much, Jon
And my heart goes out to you friends I haven’t met yet, suffering such maddening infestations. Be strong and consistent, and know that soon you won’t even have to think about it anymore, even the memory won’t be worth having. You are in my prayers too.
I swear I won’t whine about the little aches and pains age brings anymore, thanks for that!
David Wolf
Hope to see some replies to David Wolf above. I live in the Philippines and Ivermectin like Hydroxychloroquine and Chloroquine for people are not available but Ivermectin for animals is.
Also look into Chris Martenson’s work on Ivermectin.
Go to YouTube, Dr. Peter Breggin interviews Dr. Peter McCullough. It’s an in-depth discussion about the best drugs to take for Covid19 but they must be taken early. He’s an expert cardiologist and you can get the best information for treatment. You can send for his treatment brochure. He does mention ivermectin. It’s a must see for everyone. .
Thanks. Listening to them now.
Ivermectin can and is being used as a prophylactic against the virus you’ve mentioned. Google Dr Pierre Kory . He gave evidence before the US Senate about the effectiveness of this drug.
This is to the link of the organization of doctors who are trying to treat covid, and not just sell vaccines. Dr Kory testified before the US senate on their findings. The site has a dosage chart for covid.
Hey, David and Lucas, are you still there? In the past few months since you posted, I’ve done a lot of research, mainly via YouTube about ivermectin, IVM. Dr. Pierre Kory has many interviews available.
I bought 3 tubes of Durvet for horses for $2.99 each at Farmers Supply and watched a YouTube video about how to mark the syringe for a dose. Each little bump on the stem is for 50 lbs. I weigh 163, but the dose is so small that I make a mark after four bumps, then twist the little white ring to the left, move it to sit on the mark, twist it right to lock in place, push the plunger. The dose for 200 lbs is about One & a half centimeters. Tastes bad, so I put it in a spoon of yogurt, easy as can be. No after effects, I just finished 6 doses- 6 consecutive days. Search: Drbeen
for many interviews of doctors about IVM and other things. They don’t recommend horse meds, but I do. If you own a horse worth thousands of dollars, are you going to give it dangerous meds?
Been away but was looking online to purchase human grade ivermectin and found this site again. Thanks for posting your results. Will show to others especially the ones that rolled their eyes at me when I said if need be get your ivermectin at a vet.
Jon, how-much ivermectin did you use and do you still take it for prevention?
Were there side effects?
No side effects I just took the recommended dosage from my doctor.
Just heard about this myself! (I forsee lots of “sick horses” 😉
This link explains a lot, kind of technical in spots, but there’s a simple chart on pg 8 of the pdf…
You’ll need to do a little math to determine dosage of whatever you plan on using.
Also take the other vitamins & supplements mentioned. Quercetin, Zinc, VitD, etc…
This story is for your amusement only and in no way suggests normal people consider self medication, let alone with horse medicines, I’m just weird.
I ordered Ivermectin from Ebay in an apple flavored horse paste given for parasites. At my 225 lbs. there are about 6 doses per tube which cost me $13 each.
The dosage is the same for humans, administered by weight, and was conveniently stamped on the plunger. I set the ring-lock, dispensed (1.7 gram) and swallowed it with a glass of water on an empty stomach, required, otherwise I would have spread it on a cracker. Alcohol is counter-indicated, I’ll give it about a week.
Also swallowing two handsfull of the recommended imune-boosting caps and pills- Zinc,D,C, Melatonin and Quercetin daily, plus personal distance, masking and isolation protocols.
I did the two doses three days apart, hopefully to provide some prophylactic effect and will do a booster if I experience fever or other symptoms.
I experienced no discomfort at all in the week since. I’ll follow up with a single dose every 4 weeks until the public vaccine trickles its way down to my level of social priority. Fair enough, but it’s crazy-town here in California and my feeling so stressed, added to the anger and depression caused by this miserable social and political degeneration was taking its toll mentally and physically. I’m not scared of dying, I know death is not the end, but my dog would miss me and, in spite of those details, I’m still having fun.
BTW, I have owned horses before and know that horses are more sensitive in many ways than humans, so felt assured of the manufacturing quality.
Happy new year all, be excellent to each other and honor the Earth.
Hi Mr wolf have you read the research trial on nasopharyngeal spray of ivermectin being a better pathway to lungs as opposed to orally into lungs. medicines same as saline mix? just wondering
David- highway robbery, I bought Durvet from Tractor Supply Co. for $2.99 plus tax. I forgot the store in another reply I posted. Any local farm supply store should carry it, if they’re not sold out via price gouges on eBay.
Don’t get the vaccine. It will kill you either now or later. It replaces your immune response but makes you hyper sensitive to any coronavirus ( the cold) or flu. Dont get vax my advice
Thanks for the comments everyone. How this pandemic’s outpatient treatments protocols have been intentionally been swept under the rug is criminal.
Absolutely, and your post is dated right after several doctors testified to Congress about ivermectin. Watch it on cspan, locate by searching for Dr. Pierre Kory, and several interviews he has done. Also, search: Drbeen
to find many in-depth interviews
Africa has banned ivermectin raiding hospitals confiscating it. One wonders if the crossbones on hydroxycloroquine was mislabled? Go big pharma! It’s you birthday!
People! Ivermectin does not work for Covid like that. I am a former conspiracy theorist, yes I admit, but I went to college and learned about all the conspiracies I had. The Apollo moon missions were real – thousands of people tracked the ships radar signature to the moon and back. Amateurs were doing it. Yes 9/11 was a LIHOP. And the current Covid was released by our gov either with chinas help or without. But ivermectin prevents cytokine storm – it’s not a prophylactic, but from the fact above, it seems like it could work once you’ve got it. The problem is, it doesn’t. You’re much better off just getting vaccinated. I know I know, you’re special. So don’t take it – it’s up to you. The severity is much worse though. I got it unvax’d and literally thought I wasn’t gonna wake up for two nights in a row. Then I pulled out of it and bounced right out of bed for the first time in a week. Haven’t had it since but I did get vax’d. Haven’t had booster though – I’m gonna wait til the omicron .4 and .5 variant vax is avail this fall 2022. And no, kids shouldn’t take it – vaccines work best for immunocompromised or older than 40 or 50 years old. Smokers may want to take it in their 30’s to 40’s. If you’re over 50, get vax’d.
I’m using ivermectin 1% injectable from survey for cattle and pigs for this mange my hamster gave me. I’m buying permethrin today too. I just don’t know how to cure my poor hammy – I gave him a dose of ivermectin (for those wondering – it’s so small that it took me forever to do the calculation. But if you can’t do math, it’s basically one drop out of a syringe. The smallest syringe and smallest drop you can get. Like I used a diabetic 28 gauge needle – one teeny tiny drop. Actually I followed up with two drops on his food and he ate most of it. He’s doing better, but I think he needs some topical insecticide too).
Anyways, hope this helps someone.
What is protocol for 2nd and future doses of the horse med?
Hi Mr wolf have you read the research trial on nasopharyngeal spray of ivermectin being a better pathway to lungs as opposed to orally into lungs. medicines same as saline mix? just wondering
What do you look for when buying Ivermectin for humans. I asked at my Large Animal Pet Shop and there were more than one kind.
The official human version of the medication is called Stromectol, you need to get it prescribed from your doctor.
Happy Jack is a popular brand in tractor supply or agriculture stores with many products for scabies. Happy Jack has a lotion/solution for dogs that has sulphur mixed with all the good things to specifically kill scabies mites and it works. They also make a perithymin spray for dogs that I made into a lotion and house spray.
Also I suggest diatomaceous earth to dust all around the house. Carpets beds sofas etc. there can be no resistance to DE and it can be effective. I keep it in my vacuum to kill any I vacuum up too.
Do you use the Ivermectin in the morning before the cream treatment or before bed?
Thanks so much,