A lot of people wonder if it’s possible to cure scabies through diet alone. Perhaps there are some insecticidal type foods you could eat that would clear your scabies infestation?
This is understandable. The prescription drugs for scabies can be harsh, and some people do react strongly to them. After all, things like permethrin and ivermectin are actually poisons. That’s why it kills the mites! So it’s normal for people to not want those things on or in their bodies.
However, the unfortunate truth is there is no known diet that will kill scabies on its own. Remember – scabies have been around for thousands of years. We haven’t been able to eliminate them. They are resilient.
The only way to treat scabies is to hit it hard and fast with the most effective treatments.
That’s not to say diet is unimportant. In fact, during your scabies treatment your immune system will probably be compromised, and your skin will definitely experience some inflammation. You have mites burrowing into you for god’s sake!
For that reason alone it’s important to maintain a healthy diet and keep your body as strong as possible. Lot’s of fruits and vegetables, avoid processed foods and sugars, drink a lot of water and avoid alcohol.
You will also be lacking sleep, as scabies mites rarely let you sleep through the night. Usually it’s barely past midnight when you wake up in your first itching fit. That means it can be doubly important to make sure you look after your body with a healthy diet during this time.
If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep with scabies, check out my guide to stop scabies itching at night here.
As for treating the scabies itself, we’ve already said that diet alone won’t do it. So what can you do?
The absolute best way to kick your scabies infestation hard is to use as many proven treatments as possible. Everyone reacts differently, but if you bring the onslaught against scabies they definitely won’t stand a chance. If you half-heartedly try one or two treatments and keep switching, that’s when trouble can occur.
If you’re currently suffering from scabies and need a treatment plan that works, check out my Ultimate Guide To Getting Rid Of Scabies. It’s 100% free, and outlines the exact treatment I used to kick my scabies habit within a couple of weeks. Everything can be done from the comfort of your own home. You click here to check it out now.
Good luck!
please help us my mother have severe scabies