When you are dealing with scabies, your skin often reacts in an undesirable way.
Why wouldn’t it?
You have foreign mites burrowing under your skin, laying eggs and starting scabies families in your body.
Of course your skin doesn’t like that.
Here’s what often happens when a scabies infestation hits.
Burrow lines
If you are seeing zig-zag lines on your skin that are itchy, this is not actually a rash but the scabies burrows themselves. As scabies mites tunnel through your skin, they leave tracks. They are usually random in appearance and red or grey in color.
Red spots
The red marks that scabies sufferers commonly get are similar in appearance to pimples, insect bites and heat rash. These marks are sometimes the bites of the mites themselves, but more commonly are an allergic reaction to the eggs and saliva of the mites.
Red skin
Red skin is usually caused by the intense scratching that scabies induces. When combined with the red spots from the mites and the burrow lines, it can become quite unsightly. If left untreated and scratching continues, infection is possible which causes a more severe redness and pain.
How to treat a scabies rash
The absolute best way to treat scabies is to use a combination of natural and prescription treatments. Natural treatments are great for both killing scabies mites and soothing the skin, and prescription treatments pack the extra strong punch needed to nail the mites for good. My Ultimate Guide To Killing Scabies details the exact treatment I used to clear my own scabies in 14 days, and all the ingredients are easily found at a local health store or supermarket. If you’re suffering scabies, I highly recommend checking it out. You can click here to go there now.
Christina Johnson says
hey Jon thanks for this. do you have any pictures of what scabies looks like on hands? i get these itchy spots between my fingers which change location daily. they did spread to my arms and stomach too. my dermatologist seems to think i dont have scabies despite showing her the obvious burrowing and spots like in this photo above. My dermatologist has not done a skin scraping neither has she used the microscope. I was thinking to see a new doctor to get a second opinion and actually have it tested.
Jon says
Definitely get a new doctor/derm and request a scabies skin scrape/full scabies check. You’re the one paying so you can request what you want!